"Margret's Voice" is a program designed to help the people in Bunga Village. Last year, after visiting the village and seeing the needs there, Michele Hendrix, pictured below, began a sponsorship program. After the heart-breaking story of Margret and her children, Michele was moved to pay for her house rent and business rent. When she proposed the idea to her church family and friends the sponsorships grew to over 40 families! The women are required to attend Bible study each Thursday afternoon. Olivia teaches the Bible studies. She is pictured alone below and also with Pastor Lawrence and his wife Daisy. Pastor Lawrence oversees the distribution of funds each month. The women participate in craft projects where they meet for fellowship and make beads, jewelry, mats, bags and sandals. We brought them back to sell here and the money will go to get supplies for other projects. Each woman was paid for the work that she did. Justine (see other post) headed up the craft projects. The women with the white tshirts with the red emblem on the front are all part of Margret's Voice. Margret and her sons are pictured below and are doing so very much better than last year. Most of the women in the Bible study groups were in Margret's Voice. They are mostly widows and most are on AIDS medication. God is truly being glorified through this project and his servants Michele, Lawrence, Olivia, Justine and others. If you would like more information, or to sponsor a family, see Margret's Voice on Facebook. The sponsorships are $25 per month. This helps a struggling family not have to choose between medication and food, and gives hope to those who have so few choices.
Thank you, my sweet friend. Thank YOU for being a Voice for these precious women. Love and hugs!